Sheriff Ray Norris graduated from one of the first classes of the Jefferson County Reserve Deputy Sheriff’s Academy. After graduating, he became a full time law enforcement officer. He worked for several municipal police departments and other law enforcement agencies throughout the years. Sheriff Norris was hired by former Sheriff Jack Day and became a full-time deputy for the Clarke County Sheriff’s Department. In 2010, Norris ran for the office of sheriff and won. He was also re-elected in 2014.
Sheriff Norris is focused on serving the citizens of Clarke County. He strives every day to meet the citizen’s needs, while also cracking down on the growing drug problem in the county. The Clarke County Sheriff’s Department works closely with the citizens along with local, state, and federal agencies to make our community a safe place to live, work and enjoy life. The department employs 10 sworn deputies, 23 jail personnel, and 8 support personnel.
Clarke County is the third largest land-based county in the state with more than 700 miles of rural dirt roads to patrol. It borders the Alabama River to the east and the Tombigbee River to the west. After taking office in 2011, Sheriff Norris immediately began transitioning from patrol cars to four wheel drive pickup trucks. Sheriff Norris has also established the county’s first water patrol. He has obtained two boats, one through a grant and the other through discretionary funds. Both patrol boats have sonar to help in search and recovery efforts. Sheriff Norris has also taken advantage of the 1033 Program to secure surplus military equipment and acquired 8 Humvees, stationing them throughout the county at local fire departments.
The Clarke County Sheriff’s Department maintains the County Jail. The jail accommodates up to 200 inmates. The department also maintains security at the Clarke County Courthouse with 3 courtrooms in session
Sheriff Norris established the department’s own crime lab, with AFIX Tracker and Cellbrite phone extraction technology. The office has its own forensic mapping specialists who are fingerprint experts and certified in JTag, Cellbrite phone extraction and AFIX tracker. Sheriff Norris has developed a great working relationship with neighboring sheriff offices to assist them with cell phone extraction and crime lab services when they need a fast turnaround.
Sheriff Norris works hand in hand with Project Lifesaver International for his department to become a Project Lifesaver agency. The primary mission of this is to provide small personal transmitters that emit an individualized tracking signal to individuals enrolled in this program. These individuals are for adults who are known for wandering due to Alzheimer’s or other related conditions or disorders.
Sheriff Norris updated the Clarke County Drug Task Force with three deputies working full-time focusing only on Clarke County. The task force works closely with other municipalities in the county to bring drug awareness to their community and they also conduct drug awareness programs in schools throughout the county.
Deputies answer public safety complaints and concerns, as well as conduct investigations. The Clarke County Sheriff’s Department serves all subpoenas for both District and Probate courts, arrest warrants, small claims, divorce decrees, and evictions. The department provides security for county school functions. In addition, the department assists during County, State or Federal elections my maintaining each precinct and delivering election materials.